Sunday, September 9, 2012

Makin' Stuff

I guess you could call this my month of August round up.

Rainbow button set

Harvest magnet set

Purple impression Jasper cuff

Sunset cuff

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Let's get caught up

So here it is, the end of July, and I realize that I haven't posted in a really long time. It's not that there isn't anything going on. Oh! Believe me theres stuff going on, just not a lot of bead related stuff.

First off, we decided to adopt two dogs from my sister back in February. They are 2yr old schnauzer/ beagle mix or schneagles, as we like to call them.
They are a hand full, but they get along with Jack and cute goes a long way around here.

We've also started hiking again. A few years back this was what we did every weekend. Then somehow we got too busy and couldn't find the time to get out. So this year we've tried to make it a point to get out.

Top of Mt. Townsend

Top of  Marmot Pass

Along the Dosewallips River

 I got to take a trip into Seattle with some friends to go and see the King Tut exhibit at the Seattle Science Center. It was pretty fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone. The gold work and jewelry on display was particularly inspiring.


Time in the studio has been limited, but I've managed to find a few fleeting moments. A few earrings and a cuff mainly. I also made a couple of sets of buttons for a friend at work but sadly I forgot to take pictures before I sent them off.

Well that pretty much sums up the last six months or so. I'll do my best not to let that much time laps before the next update.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Day!

Well winter finally arrived.

This is the first year in a long time that I'm actually happy to see snow.

However no one enjoys snow more than this dog.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Here is another project that has been sitting on my bead table, just waiting for me to make it a pair.
Blue Kyanite & Freshwater pearls
I haven't spent a lot of time in my studio this past week or so, it's been nice not being under a deadline. Making Christmas gifts this year was a fun challenge and believe me when I tell you I was working up to the last minute. So if I decide to do it again next year I need to start earlier than June.